Översättningsbyrå i Stockholm - Linguacom - Auktoriserad tolk

On-site interpreter

If you need an interpreter in court, for a whole day or between two parties in a meeting. An on-site interpreter facilitates communication on location.

On-site interpreter

On-site interpreters are professionals who possess excellent social and linguistic expertise coupled with a good sense of ethics. Interpreters who do on-site interpreting do so in the same location and facilitate the communication between two parties. On-site interpreting is most common in courtrooms or for whole-day assignments.

Comments or complaints after an on-site interpreting assignment

Linguacom arbetar efter ledorden dialog, samarbete och kvalitet. Vi är lyhörda för dina åsikter. Har du synpunkter efter en kontakttolkning? Kontakta oss, vi återkopplar till dig och tolken inom 24 timmar.

Book an on-site interpreter here

Redan kund? Boka på telefon 010 178 36 15 eller via e-mail

Are you using Linguacom for the first time? Then please, for:

  • Privatperson, ring oss på 010 178 36 15 och registrera dig som kund.
  • Businesses, register your details here.
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