Become an interpreter
Vill du bidra till ett mångkulturellt samhälle och hjälpa människor att förstå varandra? Tar du ansvar och kan arbeta självständigt? Bli frilanstolk, skicka din intresseanmälan idag!
Freelance as an interpreter for Linguacom
Working as an interpreter is both an exciting and important job, regardless of whether you want to work fulltime or combine it with another occupation. Our client base includes municipalities, regions, the police, courts, other government agencies and private companies.
As a freelance interpreter working with Linguacom, you are assigned jobs as needed. Depending on your language combination, you can work a few hours or the equivalent of a full-time job. Your salary varies depending on the assignment and your interpreting qualifications.
Five steps: For freelance interpreters, our recruitment process looks like this
- Submit your application (below).
- Du kallas till intervju på plats hos oss, via telefon eller Teams. Vi tar referenser.
- If you advance in the process, you will be required to sign a collaboration agreement and confidentiality agreement.
- We will register you as an interpreter at Linguacom – and look forward to assigning you jobs for Linguacom’s customers.
- We decide a date for a joint follow-up meeting.
Does this sound interesting? Please fill in the form below and we’ll be in touch shortly.